About Us

The Department aspires to be an eminent Institution in the field of Education and research in the Region, engaged in building and promoting contemporary Management knowledge, Development of Management skills and inculcating professional attitude among motivated individuals of North-East in particular and of other parts of country in general for preparing them to assume positions of responsibility and leadership in all walks of mercantile endeavors. This spirit is very much enshrined in its beautifully crafted mission. The Department is established with an objective to provide the students with an appropriate combination of conceptual framework and practical insight into managerial challenges and business opportunities for grooming Managers of 21st Century. The issues relating to faculty, research and quality education constitute the core of an educational process. Management Education is no exception. The competency and dedication of teachers, the constant upgradation of the syllabus, the level and quality of inputs, performance levels are some of the basic determinants putting litmus to our performance. Department continuously invites business academics and professionals from industries to update our students with the latest happenings in more holistic perspectives.